Moonlight Flyer
Please note that it is an English edition of John Gellner's story published in Czech already in 2009 as "Letec po hvězdách".
From the publisher's press release:
The unique diary of a Czechoslovakian navigator who served with No. 311 (Czechoslovak) Bomber Squadron during the Second World War
- This previously unpublished diary gives a unique insight into the life of an airman during his first two years of the Second World War
- Many of the unpublished photographs are from the only Czechoslovakian squadron within RAF Bomber Command
- Complete biographies of all thirty-seven Allied observer students trained in the first air observer course run by the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan in Canada
One of the many wartime airmen who documented his day-to-day experiences in a diary was RCAF navigator John Gellner. Prior to the outbreak of the Second World War, Gellner was a lawyer practising in the Czechoslovak town of Brno. With the outbreak of war in Europe, he fled to Canada and trained as an air observer on the first course of the fledgling British Commonwealth Air Training Plan. Gellner began his operational tour with No. 311 ‘Czechoslovak’ (B) Squadron flying the venerable Vickers Wellington. It did not take long for Gellner’s abilities to shine, especially as an instructor in astronavigation. For his role in the attack on the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen, Gellner received the coveted DFC. After thirty-seven operations over France and Germany, he was selected for pilot training in Canada. During his post-war service with the RCAF, he had a distinguished career as an administrative officer, retiring in 1958. Now a civilian, Gellner turned to writing and became one of Canada’s most knowledgeable and sought after aviation and military affairs journalists.
- Hardback: 256 pages
- Illustrations: 66 B&W photos + 2 B&W maps
- Publisher: Fonthill Media
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1781555095
- ISBN-13: 978-1781555095
- Product Dimensions: 156 x 234 mm
The book is available at the publisher's e-shop Fonthill Media and also at other e-shops worlwide.
The book is available also as an electronic book - Kindle Edition.
I am proud that my latest book has been announced in the newspaper of the Czech and Slovak Community in Toronto.
It is called Nový domov and the article can be found online in the Issue 15/2016 on page 10. Please be patient as this is direct link to the full PDF (4 MB).
New article in REVI 146
New article in REVI 145
New article in REVI 144
New article in REVI 143
Added photos from the book Velitel palubních mechaniků launch in Vyškov on 12.10.2023