Mechanikem RCAF
The lifestory and war service of Pavel Bures, Czech imigrant to Canada where he joined the RCAF.
Contents: 50 pages (including 3 pages of English summary), 30 b&w photos.
I would like to thank very much Jan Klinka for great photo of my very first book about RCAF mechanic Pavel Bures of Czech origin beside his grave in distant Vancouver, British Columbia.
23/11/2020 17:11
Technological update
Main page + page about book Vocelovej have been updated.
08/11/2020 10:46
Book "Vocelovej" launch photos
Section Talks has been updated by few phtoos from the book "Vocelovej" launch .
06/10/2020 12:06
New article in REVI 122
Added info about my new article in REVI 122 into section REVI magazine
10/09/2020 12:12
Acticle about Josef Ocelka DFC
Added link to my article about Josef Ocelka DFC and forthcoming book.
27/08/2020 17:51
Invitation to the launch of the book Vocelovej added
Invitation to the book Vocelovej launch and talk has been added to the main page.