Casualty Statistics of Czechoslovak airmen in the RAF

We can say without any doubts that Czechoslovak airmen served nearly all around the world during the World War Two. They joined the Polish Air Force in 1939 and flew over Poland, later in 1939-1940 fought in the Battle of France as members of French Air Force. Their main contribution was operational flying over the United Kingdom and western Europe as a part of the Royal Air Force between 1940 and 1945. Finally, since 1944, there was also Czechoslovak Air Force unit in the Soviet Union.

But there were also many individuals of Czechoslovak origin serving outside the main stream. A group of Czechoslovak airmen was ferrying aircaft from Canada via Greenland to the United Kingdom, some others were serving in Canada as members of the Royal Camadian Air Force. Few Czechoslovak as RCAF members also ferried new aircraft from Bahamas, USA, to the North Africa. Furthermore Bahamas were used for training of Czechoslovak airmen from 1943. Several other individuals fought in the North Africa as members of the RAF squadrons and finished their war in liberated Italy. Few officers were attached for a brief periods to the RAF units operating in the Middle and Far East. Last, but not least, there were several Czechoslovak crews serving with the Transport Command RAF since 1944 who flew to many different and exotic places including Japanese island Okinawa for example.


Casualties of Czechoslovak airmen connected with World War Two

Year Casualties Percentage
1938 1* 0.2%
1939 8 1.4%
1940 62 11.1%
1941 102 18.2%
1942 155 27.7%
1943 93 16.6%
1944 92 16.4%
1945 47** 8.4%
Total 560 100%

* - as a result of dogfight with Hungarian fighter pilot a year before the official outbreak of Word War Two
** -  nine of them after the officail end of Word War Two


Casualties of Czechoslovak airmen serving in the RAF & WAAF

Unit Casualties
310 Squadron 31
311 Squadron - Bomber Command 111
311 Squadron - Coastal Command 146
312 Squadron 17
313 Squadron 25
68 Squadron 8
Czechoslovak Wing 2
Other allied squadrons 58
Auxiliary units 8
Training units (both pupils & instructors) 80
Czechoslovak Depot 1
Czechoslovak Inspectorate General 2
WAAF (311 Squadron) 1
Total 490


Casualties of Czechoslovak airmen serving in the RAF & WAAF by aircraft type

The list is in descending order according to number of casualties

Aircraft Type Casualties
Vickers Wellington 169
Consolidated Liberator 102
Supermarine Spitfire 86
Hawker Hurricane 32
North American Mitchell 12
Airspeed Oxford 11
Bristol Beaufighter 10
Avro Anson 9
Handley Page Halifax 8
De Havilland Mosquito 7
Fairley Battle 5
Miles Master 5
Armstrong Whitworth Whitley 4
North American Harvard   3
Percival Proctor 3
Blacburn Botha 2
De Havilland Tiger Moth 2
Miles Magister 2
Bristol Beaufort 1
Bristol Blenheim 1
Consolidated Catalina    1
Foster - Wickner GM1 Warferry 1
no aircraft involved 14
Total 490


Casualties of Czechoslovak airmen serving in the RAF & WAAF by trade

Trade Casualties Percentage
Fighter pilots 144 29%
Bomber pilots 112 23%
Navigators/Observers 49 10%
Wireless Operators/Radar Operators 111 10%
Air Gunners 48 23%
Flight Engineers 12 2%
All Ground Staff trades 14 3%
Total 490 100%


Casualties of Czechoslovak airmen within the RAF & WAAF by rank


Rank Casualties
Pilot Officer 66
Flying Officer 54
Flight Lieutenant 37
Squadron Leader 5
Wing Commander 4
Group Capatin 1
Oficers total    167


Non-Comminissoned officers & other ranks

Rank Casualties
Aircraftman 2nd Class 4
Aircraftman 1st Class 0
Leading Aircraftman 13
Leading Aircraftwoman (WAAF) 1
Corporal 2
Sergeant 210
Flight Sergeant 62
Warrant Officer 31
NCOs & other ranks total 323


All statistics were counted according to data in my personal database valid to 24. 6. 2015


17/09/2023 09:13

Preview of book Velitel palubních mechaniků added

Preview of some pages from book "Velitel palubních mechaniků" has been added to the book page here.

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08/09/2023 11:30

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06/09/2023 18:21

My new book Velitel palubních mechaniků has been released.

More infromation has been added about my new book Velitel palubních mechaniků - separate page has been started here.  

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06/07/2023 09:33

Velitel palubních mechaniků book announcement

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05/06/2023 19:26

New article in REVI 136

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