Czechoslovak Units

This section describes Czechoslovak units created within the Royal Air Force on British Isles during World War Two. Beyond four combat squadrons (three fighter and one bomber) there was established also Czechoslovak flight withing a RAF squadron. The last flying unit was Czechoslovak Operational Training Flight.

Two more administrative units were created already on 12th July 1940:

Czechoslovak Inspectorate General (CIG)

Headquarters of Czechoslovak Air Force within the RAF based in London led by AVM RNDr. Karel Janoušek, KCB.  Purpose of this unit was the command of all Czechoslovak units and also serves as a liasion point between British Air Ministry and Czechoslovak units and airmen.

Czechoslovak Depot

Every Czechoslovak airman serving in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve had to pass this unit several times during the World War Two. Typical situation why to be posted there:

- reception of novices into the RAF VR (mostly from Czechoslovak Army or civilians),

- uniform allotment, initial RAF drill

- waiting for posting to different training schools,

- waiting for posting overseas (typical training in Canada),

- waiting for posting to operation squadron or non-operational service,

- non-operational service when finsihed tour of operations,

- discharge from the RAF VR (medical reasons, aother service outside the RAF, bad character, end of hostilities, ...)


Czechoslovak Depot Stations

Station From To
Cosford, Shropshire 12.07.1940 19.12.1940
Wilmslow, Cheshire 19.12.1940 14.02.1942
St. Athan, Vale of Glamorgan 14.02.1942 08.05.1944
Cosford, Shropshire 08.05.1944 1946







22/02/2025 17:53

New article in REVI 146

Added info about my new article in REVI 146 into section REVI magazine.  

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16/12/2024 21:59

New article in REVI 145

Added info about my new article in REVI 145 into section REVI magazine.   

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21/10/2024 17:56

New article in REVI 144

Added info about my new article in REVI 144 into section REVI magazine.  

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22/07/2024 15:20

New article in REVI 143

Added info about my new article in REVI 143 into section REVI magazine.

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21/06/2024 14:50

Added photos from the book Velitel palubních mechaniků launch in Vyškov on 12.10.2023

Photos from the book Velitel palubních mechaniků launch in Vyškov on 12.10.2023 added into section Talks.

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