Cemeteries & Memorials
This section contains information about the cemetries where Czechoslovak airmen who lost their lives while serving with the RAF are buried and memorials where their names are engraved in case of those whose graves are not known.
17/09/2015 18:41
Přednáška/Talk - Vladimír Šponar
Added invitation to my talk about Czechoslovak airmen, 311 Squadron and particularly pilot Vladimír Šponar.
15/09/2015 20:16
Online exhibition dedicated to Czechoslovak airmen
Links were updaded, link to on-line exhibition75th anniversary of the formation of most Czechoslovak squadrons in the RAF was added.
05/09/2015 18:23
Front page picture changed
The maing picture was changed, website name was added.
03/09/2015 20:43
Photo Appeal page updated
Photo Appeal page requesting help with photos of Czechoslovak airmen/airwomen we are still unable to indetify was updated.