
Between 1989-2007 I had the priviledge to met plenty of former Czechoslovak airmen serving in the RAF in 1940-1945. Personal visits and attendance at public lectures and another meetings allowed me to learn a lot of stories and information about their war service. This was the very first impulse why I have started to write articles, later books and why I have started my original website to remind those brave Czechoslovaks to the present and next generations.

As the possibility to meet our veterans at air shows and lectures faded away I am happy time to time attend a conference or commemorative event to give a talk about our airmen serving in the RAF. My particular scope is No. 311 (Czechoslovak) Bomber Squadron and airmen serving with this unit.


Photos from some of my talks


Municipal Library of Prague, Opatov Branch

Theme: StanislavSlezáček, Flight Engineer Leader of 311 Squadron RAF

Memorial talk about Stanislav Slezáček, the only Flight Engineer Leader of 311 (Czechoslovak) Bomber Squadron RAF and about the book "Velitel palubních mechaniků" launch.

I was pleased to meet my classmates from elementary school at my talk

Photo: J. Cacka, P. Lukeš


Karel Dvořáček Library, Vyškov

Theme: Stanislav Slezáček, native of Hamiltony at Vyškov, in the RAF

Memorial talk about Stanislav Slezáček, the only Flight Engineer Leader of 311 (Czechoslovak) Bomber Squadron RAF. The talk was given on the occasion of book "Velitel palubních mechaniků" launch.

Afternoon private talk in English for family members who have aarived from the United Kingdom.

Late afternoon public talk in Czech.
The author with Stanislav Slezáček's daughter Marie, who took on the role of godmother at the book launch.
Author during the book signing.
The author with the present members of the Slezáček's family Czech and English branch.
Photos: 2x B. Caisová, 4x Archiv KKD Vyškov


Municipal authority, Ostrov near Chrudim - plaque unveiling + talk

Theme: Vladimír Šponar, No. 311 Squadron Pilot

Plaque to 311 Squadron pilot Vladimir Sponar has been unveiled and my talk about this pilot has been part of the programme.

(3x foto obec Ostrov)


The Municipal Museum, Čelákovice

Theme: Alois Vašátko and Vladislav Hnilička, airmen from Čelákovice

Memorial talk about Alois Vašátko, native of Čelákovice, fighter pilot of 312 Squadron and the first CO of Czechoslovak Fighter Wing. The talk was given at the 80th anniversary of his death od 23. 6. 1942. This time I have added also the lifestory of Vladislav/Valter/Walter Hnilička, wireless operator/air gunner of 311 Squadron who got killed in an air acciden on 4. 12. 1944.

After the talk the Hurricane piloted by Radim Vojta made several passes over Čelákovice.

(2x foto Město Čelákovice)


Jiří Mahen Library, Brno

Theme: W/Cdr Josef Ocelka DFC, 311 Squadron Commanding Officer

Memorial talk about Josef Ocleka, the third 311 (Czechoslovak) Bomber Squadron RAF Commanding Officer, his wife Marie Alexandra Ocelková and his brother W/O Antonín Ocelka, fighter pilot with 312 (Czechoslovak) Fighter Squadron RAF. The talk was given on the occasion of book "Vocelovej" launch.
Memorial talk about Otakar Janůj, former wireless operator of 311 (Czechoslovak) Bomber Squadron RAF. The talk was given on the occasion of book "Poslední let Wellingtonu T2624" release.

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Memorial talk about Otakar Janůj, former wireless operator of 311 (Czechoslovak) Bomber Squadron RAF. The talk was given on the occasion of book "Poslední let Wellingtonu T2624" release.

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Memorial talk about Otakar Janůj, former wireless operator of 311 (Czechoslovak) Bomber Squadron RAF. The talk was given on the occasion of book "Poslední let Wellingtonu T2624" release.

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Czech Aerospace Society at Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Praha

Theme: Sgt Otakar Janůj, 311 Squadron wireless operator

Memorial talk about Otakar Janůj, former wireless operator of 311 (Czechoslovak) Bomber Squadron RAF.


Municipal Library of Prague, Opatov Branch

Theme: Sgt Otakar Janůj, 311 Squadron wireless operator

Memorial talk about Otakar Janůj, former wireless operator of 311 (Czechoslovak) Bomber Squadron RAF. The talk was given on the occasion of book "Poslední let Wellingtonu T2624" release.

(2 x foto Milan Vančata, 1x foto Lukáš Šereda)


Czech Aerospace Society at Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Praha

Theme: Adolf Pravislav Zelený MBE, 311 Squadron navigator

Memorial talk about Adolf Zelený MBE, former navigator of 311 (Czechoslovak) Bomber Squadron RAF. The talk was given on the occasion of book "Říkali mu Zeke" release.


The Municipal Offices, Rožná

Theme: "Říkali mu Zeke" - plk. let. v.v Adolf Pravislav Zelený MBE

Memorial talk about Adolf Zelený MBE, native of Rožná, former navigator of 311 (Czechoslovak) Bomber Squadron RAF. The talk was given at the event commemorating his 103rd birthday anniversary.

More photos from the commemorative event and the talk can be found in this gallery.


The Municipal Museum, Čelákovice

Theme: Pilot Alois Vašátko, native of Čelákovice

Memorial talk about Alois Vašátko, native of Čelákovice, fighter pilot of 312 Squadron and the first CO of Czechoslovak Fighter Wing. The talk was given at the 75th anniversary of his death od 23. 6. 1942.


Piarist Monastry, Příbor

Theme: Oldřich Helma, No. 311 Squadron pilot

Memorial talk about Oldřich Helma, native of Příbor, captain of 311 Squadron Wellington shot down by RAF night fighter by error, for secondary school students.

Reportage about my talk has been broadcasted by the Local TV Příbor.

It is possible to watch it online - 03.28-05.11.


Kladno City - memorial plaque unveiling

Theme: Jan Vella, No. 311 Squadron pilot

I have been asked to address a speech about Jan Vella's life and RAF service at the ceremonial of plaque unveiling.

The plaque can be found at the house from which he left Czechoslovakia in 1939 (Březinova 1184).

foto: Statutární město Kladno – Josef Seifert

foto: Statutární město Kladno – Josef Seifert



Municipal authority, Ostrov near Chrudim

Theme: Vladimír Šponar, No. 311 Squadron Pilot




Club of Těšínsko Muzeum, Český Těšín

Theme: Pavel Tofel, No. 311 Squadron Wireless Operator


English College in Prague

Theme: Czechoslovak airmen in the RAF

(English College in Prague archive)


Town Council, Čelákovice

Theme: Czechoslovak airmen in the United Kingdom 1940-1945


Club of Aviation History, Jindřichův Hradec

Theme: Czechoslovak airmen in the United Kingdom 1940-1945

(2x KHL Jindřichův Hradec archive)


22/02/2025 17:53

New article in REVI 146

Added info about my new article in REVI 146 into section REVI magazine.  

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16/12/2024 21:59

New article in REVI 145

Added info about my new article in REVI 145 into section REVI magazine.   

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21/10/2024 17:56

New article in REVI 144

Added info about my new article in REVI 144 into section REVI magazine.  

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22/07/2024 15:20

New article in REVI 143

Added info about my new article in REVI 143 into section REVI magazine.

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21/06/2024 14:50

Added photos from the book Velitel palubních mechaniků launch in Vyškov on 12.10.2023

Photos from the book Velitel palubních mechaniků launch in Vyškov on 12.10.2023 added into section Talks.

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