RAF Ranks Conversion
Table of Royal Air Force ranks and their equivalents in Czechoslovak Air Force
Royal Air Force | Czechoslovak Air Force | ||
Aircraftman 2nd Class | AC2 | vojin novacek | voj. nov. |
Aircraftman 1st Class | AC1 | vojin | voj. |
Leading Aircraftman | LAC | svobodnik | svob. |
Corporal | Cpl | desatnik | des. |
Sergeant | Sgt | cetar | cet. |
Flight Sergeant | F/Sgt | rotny | rt. |
Warrant Officer | W/O | rotmistr stabni rotmistr praporcik |
rtm. srtm. prap. |
Pilot Officer | P/O | podporucik porucik |
ppor. por. |
Flying Officer | F/O | nadporucik | npor. |
Flight Lieutenant | F/Lt | kapitan | kpt. |
Squadron Leader | S/Ldr | stabni kapitan major |
skpt. mjr. |
Wing Commander | W/Cdr | podplukovnik | pplk. |
Group Captain | G/Cpt | plukovník | plk. |
Air Commodore | AC | brigadni general | brig. gen. |
Air Vice Marshal | AVM | divizni general | div. gen. |
Air Marshal | AM | armadni general | arm. gen. |
Air Chief Marshal | ACM | - | - |
Marshal of the Royal Air Force | - | - | - |
During service in the RAF VR had Czechoslovak airmen two ranks - British and Czechoslovak.
In many cases British rank wasn't in accordance with Czechoslovak, mostly was British rank higher then Czechoslovak.
Otherwise British ranks of Czechoslovak airmen was in accordance with their function in the RAF VR.
25/09/2015 10:14
Czechoslovak Units updated
Introduction page of Czechoslovak Units updated - Czechoslovak Depot stations added
21/09/2015 14:52
Added Webarchive logo
Added Webarchive logo as this website is "regularly archived by the National Library of the Czech Republic for its cultural, educational, scientific, research or other values with the aim of documenting an authentic sample of the Czech web. It...
18/09/2015 20:32
Cemetries & Memorials updated
Brookwood Cemetery - photos added, added link to FCAFA site,
Runnymede Memorial - title photo changed, added link to FCAFA site with panel photos.
18/09/2015 14:54
Book 311 Squadron - Customer Reviews
Link to Customer Rerviews on Amazon added to page 311 Squadron book.