Research Trip CZRAF 2004 - England

Chichester Cemetery - 23rd July 2004

In the morning of 23th July I went by coach to Chichester where I met Simon and together we manage to local cemetery. We were told that it is not so far from the centre. So we parked Simon's car for one hour and went on foot to the cemetery.

It was nice sunny day and way to cemetery was quite long... After approx. 20 minutes of quick walk through Chchiester we have seen the wall of cemetery. When we have got there, we have discovered that unlucky we are on the side where is no entrance! But the wal,l was low so we can see where is the main entrance and now it was not so far to get there.

Finding of Czechoslovak graves was not so easy as useual. Some typical Commonwealth War Graves Commision (CWGC) gravestones were interspersed all around the cemetery. Then we have found the first large plot of CWGC graves.

There are following 5 Czechoslovak graves:

Flight Sergeant
František Fanta
* 11. 12. 1919
+ 26. 4. 1944


Flight Lieutenant
Jan Laška
* 22.11. 1914
+ 26. 4.1944


Pilot Officer
Vojtěch Lysický
* 8. 9. 1915
+ 26. 4. 1944

Flight Sergeant
Miroslav Moravec
* 3. 9. 1918
+ 7. 6. 1944

His parents and brother who stayed in occupied Czechoslovakia were helping to Czechoslovak paratroopers who made assassination of Reinhard Heydrich on 27th May 1942. During following martial law all members of Moravec family were executed.

Flight Sergeant
Vilém Nosek
* 30. 1. 1916
+ 11. 6. 1944

Afterwards we were looking for the last 2 Czechoslovak graves. We have found another plot of CWGC graves but all fo them were from the WWI. Then we asked young man riding small tractor and he advice us to go to the front part of cemetery where the third plot of CWGC graves. There we were successful and found the last 2 Czechoslovak graves:

Flight Lieutenant
Antonín Velebnovský
* 15. 4. 1915
+ 16. 7. 1941

Flight Sergeant
Jan Vlk
* 14. 2. 1913
+ 10. 4. 1942

Former RAF Station Biggin Hill - 24th July 2004

On 24th July I have visited the site of former RAF Station Biggin Hill and the Chapel. 

Hurricane ands Spitfire replicas at the entrance

The Biggin Hill Chapel

Plaque com,memorating the Squadrons.

Polish Memorial Plaque


Former RAF Station Manston

On 25th July I have visited the site of former RAF Station Manston - RAF Manston History Museum and Spitfire & Hurricane Memorial Building.

Many thanks for driving me around all plaxces to Simon Muggleton


22/02/2025 17:53

New article in REVI 146

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16/12/2024 21:59

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21/10/2024 17:56

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22/07/2024 15:20

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21/06/2024 14:50

Added photos from the book Velitel palubních mechaniků launch in Vyškov on 12.10.2023

Photos from the book Velitel palubních mechaniků launch in Vyškov on 12.10.2023 added into section Talks.

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