15/11/2018 21:33
Talk about Sgt Otakar Janůj
Short info with few photos has been added into section Talks about the talk "Sgt Otakar Janůj, 311 Squadron wireless operator" given at Municipal Library of Prague, Opatov Branch, on 15. 11. 2018
03/04/2024 19:39
Invitation to a talk has been added.
Invitation to a talk about Stanislav Slezacek has been added to the main page.
27/01/2024 21:07
New article in REVI 140
Added info about my new article in REVI 140 into section REVI magazine.
30/09/2023 15:26
New article in REVI 138
Added info about my new article in REVI 138 into section REVI magazine.
17/09/2023 09:13
Preview of book Velitel palubních mechaniků added
Preview of some pages from book "Velitel palubních mechaniků" has been added to the book page here.