12/01/2018 18:23
Research Trip CZRAF2005
Page decribing my Research Trip CZRAF 2005 which I have lost during the webiste trnaformation has been partially recovered from old backup, the final part will be added soon.
17/09/2023 09:13
Preview of book Velitel palubních mechaniků added
Preview of some pages from book "Velitel palubních mechaniků" has been added to the book page here.
08/09/2023 11:30
Book launch invitation has been added.
Book launch invitation has been added to the main page.
06/09/2023 18:21
My new book Velitel palubních mechaniků has been released.
More infromation has been added about my new book Velitel palubních mechaniků - separate page has been started here.
06/07/2023 09:33
Velitel palubních mechaniků book announcement
Detailed announcemement about the new book in preparation Velitel palubních mechaniků has been added.
05/06/2023 19:26
New article in REVI 136
Added info about my new article in REVI 136 into section REVI magazine.