25/06/2017 09:22
Photo Appeal page updated
I would like to thank to all contributors who have provided photos of Czechoslovak Airmen from the "Want List". Since the last update 20 new photos were obtained.
Chtěl bych poděkovat všem, kteří nám pomohli s fotografiemi československých letců ze seznamu, jejichž snímky nebyly známy. Od poslední aktualizace seznamu se podařilo získat 20 nových podobizen.
23/01/2023 22:09
New article in REVI 134
Added info about my new article in REVI 134 into section REVI magazine.
23/12/2022 18:46
V. Sponar plaque unveiling and a talk
Added brief info and photos from V. Sponar plaque unveiling and my talk about him.
Talk about V. Šponar
Added invitation to the unveiling of Vladimír Šponar plaque and my talk about him.
Read more:...
29/11/2022 18:35
New article in REVI 133
Added info about my new article in REVI 133 into section REVI magazine.
29/09/2022 19:51
New article in REVI 132
Added info about my new article in REVI 132 into section REVI magazine.
24/09/2022 20:48
Talk about V. Šponar
Added invitation to the unveiling of Vladimír Šponar plaque and my talk about him.