03/09/2015 20:43
Photo Appeal page updated
Photo Appeal page requesting help with photos of Czechoslovak airmen/airwomen we are still unable to indetify was updated.
24/09/2022 20:48
Talk about V. Šponar
Added invitation to the unveiling of Vladimír Šponar plaque and my talk about him.
26/07/2022 12:30
New article in REVI 131
Added info about my new article in REVI 131 into section REVI magazine.
24/06/2022 19:59
Talk about Alois Vašátko and Vladislav Hnilička
Short info with few photos has been added into section Talks about the talk "Alois Vašátko and Vladislav Hnilička, airmen from Čelákovice" given at The Municipal Museum in Čelákovice on 18. 6. 2022.
16/05/2022 17:31
New article in REVI 130
Added info about my new article in REVI 130 into section REVI magazine.
01/04/2022 07:31
New article in REVI 129
Added info about my new article in REVI 129 into section REVI magazine.