27/05/2024 19:34

New article in REVI 142

Added info about my new article in REVI 142 into section REVI magazine.




04/09/2019 11:57

New article in REVI 116

Added info about my new article in REVI 116 into section REVI magazine

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12/06/2019 09:46

New article in REVI 115

Added info about my new article in REVI 115 into section REVI magazine

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04/06/2019 12:49

Technological update

Home page updated, new links added, spelling corrected, etc.

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13/05/2019 09:39

New page REVI magazine

I have added new page REVI magazine into section Books & Talks announcing my articles for this Czech aviation magazine.

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27/01/2019 17:36

Talk about Sgt Otakar Janůj II

Short info with few photos has been added into section Talks about the talk Otakar Janůj, 311 Squadron wireless operator" given at Faculty of Transportation Sciences in Praha on 24. 1. 2019.

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