27/05/2024 19:34

New article in REVI 142

Added info about my new article in REVI 142 into section REVI magazine.




23/08/2015 18:46

New links added into Links section

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21/08/2015 17:23

Photo Appeal page

Photo Appeal page requesting help with photos of Czechoslovak airmen/airwomen we are still unable to indetify was added into section Research.

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14/08/2015 20:31

Top Gun

The last part of Czechoslovak Units added - statistics of the most successful Czechoslovak Airmen in section Top Gun.

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25/07/2015 16:41

Research Trip CZRAF 2004 - England

Next of research trips added - Research Trip CZRAF 2004 - England

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24/07/2015 20:03

Research Trip CZRAF 2006 - England

Second of research trips added - Research Trip CZRAF 2006 - England

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