27/05/2024 19:34

New article in REVI 142

Added info about my new article in REVI 142 into section REVI magazine.




18/09/2015 16:18

Links updated

Added two links into new section Aviation Publishers

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18/09/2015 14:54

Book 311 Squadron - Customer Reviews

Link to Customer Rerviews on Amazon added to page 311 Squadron book.

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17/09/2015 18:41

Přednáška/Talk - Vladimír Šponar

Added invitation to my talk about Czechoslovak airmen, 311 Squadron and particularly pilot Vladimír Šponar.

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15/09/2015 20:16

Online exhibition dedicated to Czechoslovak airmen

Links were updaded, link to on-line exhibition75th anniversary of the formation of most Czechoslovak squadrons in the RAF was added.

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15/09/2015 20:03

Banner added

Banner to promote this new website added to the homepage.

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