27/01/2024 21:07
New article in REVI 140
Added info about my new article in REVI 140 into section REVI magazine.
17/09/2017 21:12
Říkali mu Zeke - update
More details added about the recently released book "Říkali mu Zeke"
11/09/2017 23:21
Invitation to the commemorative event in Rozna 7. 10. 2017
Added invitation to the commemorative event in Rozna 7. 10. 2017 + the book "Říkali mu Zeke" launch.
27/08/2017 09:16
Říkali mu Zeke - more details
More details about book Říkali mu Zeke has been added to separate page in section Books.
23/08/2017 22:25
Říkali mu Zeke - new book coming soon
Added cover of my new book Říkali mu Zeke coming soon.
25/06/2017 09:49
Book Mechanikem RCAF updated
Added new photo on page Mechanikem RCAF taken at Vancouver, British Columbia.