05/06/2023 19:26
New article in REVI 136
Added info about my new article in REVI 136 into section REVI magazine.
25/06/2017 09:49
Book Mechanikem RCAF updated
Added new photo on page Mechanikem RCAF taken at Vancouver, British Columbia.
25/06/2017 09:22
Photo Appeal page updated
I would like to thank to all contributors who have provided photos of Czechoslovak Airmen from the "Want List". Since the last update 20 new photos were obtained.
Chtěl bych poděkovat všem, kteří nám pomohli s fotografiemi československých letců ze...
12/05/2017 14:36
Added information about my latest talk at Čelákovice
My latest talk about fighter pilot W/Cdr Alois Vašátko, DFC took place on 11th May 2017 at Čelákovice. Few photos available on page Talks.
28/04/2017 17:41
Invitation to Alois Vašátko Talk
Added invitation (on the mainpage) to my nearest talk which will be dedicated to Alois Vašátko, the first Commanding Officer of the Czechoslovak Fighter Wing with the RAF.
More information can be found on the Town Museum at Čelákovice website.
21/12/2016 20:54
Season's greetings
I would like to wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2017 to all vistors of my website and I hope to see you here again next year!
Pavel Vančata