04/05/2021 08:11
New article in REVI 125
Added info about my new article in REVI 125 into section REVI magazin
07/12/2020 14:25
New article in REVI 123
Added info about my new article in REVI 123 into section REVI magazine
23/11/2020 17:11
Technological update
Main page + page about book Vocelovej have been updated.
08/11/2020 10:46
Book "Vocelovej" launch photos
Section Talks has been updated by few phtoos from the book "Vocelovej" launch .
06/10/2020 12:06
New article in REVI 122
Added info about my new article in REVI 122 into section REVI magazine
10/09/2020 12:12
Acticle about Josef Ocelka DFC
Added link to my article about Josef Ocelka DFC and forthcoming book.