04/05/2021 08:11
New article in REVI 125
Added info about my new article in REVI 125 into section REVI magazin
24/06/2015 21:41
Czechoslovak units section updated
Section dedicated to No. 1429 COTF published
24/06/2015 15:19
Casualty statists section published
Casualty statistics containing several statistics of Czechoslovak airmen casulaties in WWII and mainly in the RAF published
14/06/2015 10:23
Czechoslovak units section updated
Added new pages:
- 313 Squadron + Staff
- 68 Squadron + Staff
26/05/2015 20:17
Czechoslovak units section updated
Added new pages:
- 312 Squadron + Staff
- Czechoslovak Fighter Wing
25/05/2015 22:20
New pages added
Today following pages were added:
- Talks in Books section
- 311 Squadron + 311 Squadron accidents in Czechoslovak Units section
- Links