09/01/2016 18:15
Moonlight Flyer - new book pre-promotion
Added cover + information of my new book Moonlight Flyer coming soon.
27/09/2018 10:59
Technological update
Fixed typos in text, added missing links, corrected outdated links.
18/09/2018 21:05
Book "Poslední let Wellingtonu T2624" - update.
Separate page with more infromation regarding new book Poslední let Wellingtonu T2624 added into sections Books.
11/09/2018 12:45
Cover of new book added to main page!
Cover of new book "Poslední let Wellingtonu T2624" in printing has been added to main page.
23/05/2018 19:13
Riders in the Sky 1944
Added information about book Riders in the Sky 1944 which I co-authored. See a separate page in section Co-Authored Books.
12/01/2018 18:23
Research Trip CZRAF2005
Page decribing my Research Trip CZRAF 2005 which I have lost during the webiste trnaformation has been partially recovered from old backup, the final part will be added soon.