28/04/2017 17:41
Invitation to Alois Vašátko Talk
Added invitation (on the mainpage) to my nearest talk which will be dedicated to Alois Vašátko, the first Commanding Officer of the Czechoslovak Fighter Wing with the RAF.
More information can be found on the Town Museum at Čelákovice website.
17/09/2023 09:13
Preview of book Velitel palubních mechaniků added
Preview of some pages from book "Velitel palubních mechaniků" has been added to the book page here.
08/09/2023 11:30
Book launch invitation has been added.
Book launch invitation has been added to the main page.
06/09/2023 18:21
My new book Velitel palubních mechaniků has been released.
More infromation has been added about my new book Velitel palubních mechaniků - separate page has been started here.
06/07/2023 09:33
Velitel palubních mechaniků book announcement
Detailed announcemement about the new book in preparation Velitel palubních mechaniků has been added.
05/06/2023 19:26
New article in REVI 136
Added info about my new article in REVI 136 into section REVI magazine.