16/01/2019 10:19
Forum closed
Due to large ammount of sapm I have been forced to close down the forum provided by the webhosting and replaced it by the link to the still working forum from my previous website which you are welcome to use.
24/06/2015 21:41
Czechoslovak units section updated
Section dedicated to No. 1429 COTF published
24/06/2015 15:19
Casualty statists section published
Casualty statistics containing several statistics of Czechoslovak airmen casulaties in WWII and mainly in the RAF published
14/06/2015 10:23
Czechoslovak units section updated
Added new pages:
- 313 Squadron + Staff
- 68 Squadron + Staff
26/05/2015 20:17
Czechoslovak units section updated
Added new pages:
- 312 Squadron + Staff
- Czechoslovak Fighter Wing
25/05/2015 22:20
New pages added
Today following pages were added:
- Talks in Books section
- 311 Squadron + 311 Squadron accidents in Czechoslovak Units section
- Links