16/01/2019 10:19
Forum closed
Due to large ammount of sapm I have been forced to close down the forum provided by the webhosting and replaced it by the link to the still working forum from my previous website which you are welcome to use.
22/02/2025 17:53
New article in REVI 146
Added info about my new article in REVI 146 into section REVI magazine.
16/12/2024 21:59
New article in REVI 145
Added info about my new article in REVI 145 into section REVI magazine.
21/10/2024 17:56
New article in REVI 144
Added info about my new article in REVI 144 into section REVI magazine.
22/07/2024 15:20
New article in REVI 143
Added info about my new article in REVI 143 into section REVI magazine.
21/06/2024 14:50
Added photos from the book Velitel palubních mechaniků launch in Vyškov on 12.10.2023
Photos from the book Velitel palubních mechaniků launch in Vyškov on 12.10.2023 added into section Talks.