My latest book / Má poslední kniha

Dovoluji si informovat, že moje nová kniha vyšla 6. 9. 2023 u nakladatelství Svět křídel
I would like to inform that my new book has been released on 6. 9. 2023 by Svět křídel.

Více informací zde. / More details here.

Recent article in magazine REVI / Nejnovější článek v časopise REVI

REVI č. 142 - Na vojně musí být kázeň

Úsměvná příhoda z pilotního výcviku v Kanadě z pera plk. v. v. Bohuslava Velvarského.

Previews of my previous articles can be found on separate page / Náhledy mých předchozích článků je možné najít na samostatné stránce.
REVI č. 114 - V průzkumném Spitfiru nad Itálií - Čechokanaďan F/O John Anthony Vasicek jako fotoprůzkumný pilot u jednotek RAF

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REVI č. 114 - V průzkumném Spitfiru nad Itálií - Čechokanaďan F/O John Anthony Vasicek jako fotoprůzkumný pilot u jednotek RAF

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VI č. 114 - V průzkumném Spitfiru nad Itálií - Čechokanaďan F/O John Anthony Vasicek jako fotoprůzkumný pilot u jednotek RAF

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Welcome to my website Czechoslovak Airmen in the RAF 1940-1945

Thank you for visiting this website and I hope that you find your visit beneficial. 

This revised website was launched in March 2015 and has evolved  from my original site https://cz-raf. which I began in April 1999.

This website, like its predecessor, is dedicated to the memory of all the Czechoslovak men and women in the RAF, or WAAF’s, during the Second World War.

Whilst my interest is primarily focused on the Czechoslovaks who served in the RAF in the United Kingdom, it also extends to airmen of Czechoslovak origin who served in other Air Forces as well, the Royal Canadian Air Force is an example. Of this subject my speciality and  personal interest is on No. 311 (Czechoslovak) Bomber Squadron in the RAF.
Pavel Vančata


I'm still looking for information about about Czechoslovak airmen serving in the RAF.
If you can provide me any information, your help will be much appreciated.


I will be also glad to buy from you any of following items connected to Czechoslovak airmen in the RAF:



Log Books




and other personal items.

If you have anything from these things


you could give me info about any of Czechoslovak airmen, please contact me.

Photo appeal - Looking for photos of Czechoslovak RAF/WAAF Members

While working on my another project with friend of mine I would like to ask for help with still missing photos of some persons. For particular names please refer to section Photo Appeal.

Při přípravě dalšího projektu bych rád požádal o pomoc pro kolegu se získáním chybějících fotografií některých osob. Pro konkrétní jména navštivte prosím sekci Photo Appeal.

November 2018 update

Thanks to help of this website visitors we were able to obtained photos of 3 Czechoslovak airmen whose faces were uknown to us and the list has been shortened. If you can help us with some more photos of airmen from the list please contact us on the email address in the left top corner.

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If you would like to exchange link to your thematic website please feel free to contact me.

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Flag Counter  Since 2015-09-17


27/09/2018 10:59

Technological update

Fixed typos in text, added missing links, corrected outdated links.

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18/09/2018 21:05

Book "Poslední let Wellingtonu T2624" - update.

Separate page with more infromation regarding new book Poslední let Wellingtonu T2624 added into sections Books.

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11/09/2018 12:45

Cover of new book added to main page!

Cover of new book "Poslední let Wellingtonu T2624" in printing has been added to main page.

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23/05/2018 19:13

Riders in the Sky 1944

Added information about book Riders in the Sky 1944 which I co-authored. See a separate page in section Co-Authored Books.

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12/01/2018 18:23

Research Trip CZRAF2005

Page decribing my Research Trip CZRAF 2005 which I have lost during the webiste trnaformation has been partially recovered from old backup, the final part will be added soon.

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My previous book


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